Mr Zabrieszach has held several senior roles at VicRoads, the Victorian State Government’s Road Authority, including Manager Intelligent Transport Systems, Director Road User Services and most recently, Director Road Operations. He was responsible for the deployment of numerous ITS solutions and the development of business cases for major infrastructure projects such as the Monash Freeway-CityLink-West Gate Freeway project.
Mr Zabrieszach has played a leading role in developing the state’s traffic and transportation plans for major events such as the Melbourne Formula One Grand Prix, the Melbourne 500 cc/Moto Motorcycle Grand Prix and the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. Mr Zabrieszach was integral in Melbourne’s successful bid to host the 23rd ITS World Congress in 2016, the world’s most prestigious Intelligent Transport Systems event.
To contact Mr Zabrieszach, please click here for HMI Australia’s office details >>