HMI Technologies is running a trial of RouteTIP in the city of Christchurch, our latest innovative ITS solution.
In the trial, which is being run in conjunction with the Christchurch Traffic Operations Centre, beacons are installed around the transport network. The RouteTIP beacons send messages to road users, alerting them to hazards and traffic information. The messages and alerts include reminders of speed restrictions, journey time information or alerts to hazards and traffic congestion ahead and much more. Messages can be changed and updated in real time by traffic operations centres.
HMI manufactures the RouteTIP beacons and have developed the smartphone app for both Apple and Android. This technology combined with our understanding of traffic management systems allows us to interface with these systems, creating a world-leading transport technology solution for governments and road and transport agencies.
The app is designed to have minimum impact on the driver of the vehicle, unlike GPS systems or crowd sourced apps, the RouteTIP system requires no input from the driver of the vehicle, minimising driver distraction. The messages and alerts are controlled by the traffic management centre and the symbols and messages are replicas of the signs drivers will be used to seeing on the side of the road.
Find out more about the RouteTIP system on the dedicated RouteTIP website